the past, and giving propsGlenn Rubenstein thought this was a cool photo of himself back in 1995...but it wasn't.
slowly but surely, I am leaving the house on a regular basis and getting things
going. I have two producing jobs lined up in the next few weeks, both
with bands that I think are really cool and have a lot of potential.
I am also going out to a lot of shows, and enjoying spending time with
my friends in other bands (and seeing a surprising number of people
who I don't know wearing Headboard shirts).
last night, I hung out with 3 people who have been instrumental in Headboard
since at various times: Dominic, Nick, and Jacky.
if I had never met Dominic Davi, I am not sure I would have ever started a band, and
surely, Headboard would not have gone as far as it did. when he left
the band, there was a lot of weirdness, and it was like breaking up
with a girl--I acted childish and stupid and for anyone who has followed
this saga, consider this a public apology for 1998 and 1999.
Nick was actually in the band twice, and even though we didn't always
see eye to eye, I have a lot of respect for him.
Jacky, even though she isn't really on any recordings, holds the record
of being the longest female singer in this band, at 2 years. she also
appeared on Farmclub with us. she was in this band through its toughest
times, and I apologize for how I handled things at the end.
it was cool to see this combination hanging out together, since it was
from different eras, but it helped provide some cool insight (not to
mention reminiscing).
as I move towards the vastly open future, it is nice to have some perspective
on things...
- glenn rubenstein

thoroughly enjoying nothing
without any live shows to play or band practices to attend, i must say
I am enjoying this break from the unrelenting pace i am usually accustomed
i've gotten some terrific emails from people, and I remain inspired
as I head forward with future plans, both headboard-related and new
it has been quite nice to catch up on television, reading, and all sorts
of other slacker-activity. I gave myself a birthday gift and got an
APEX DVD player that plays VCD and SVCD discs.
the main appeal? watching tv rips downloaded off the net, so i can finally
make more space on my tivo and archive smallville, undeclared, and family
guy episodes to SVCD.
today, the directv guy is coming out.
i am keeping
up with work, listening to a lot of music, but enjoying this week of
being a complete and total loser.
next week, i plan to throw myself into an intense workout schedule and
get things rolling--i've already got some meetings and auditions planned
with potential collaborators, and i am jazzed to get back on the horse,
so to speak.
until then, i'm going to finish some writing and spend the rest of the
weekend not taking things so seriously.
- glenn rubenstein

80 miles outside of los angeles
first off, thank you to everyone for your supportive emails. i never
realized how many people cared and wanted to see headboard continue,
even though there is currently no live line-up.
your support means a lot to me.
i took off a few days ago to hit so. cal, and just got home.
pretty cool trip, got to visit some very smart people (some in the music
business, some not) and start to get my head together.
i've got quite a few ideas for headboard, and i intend to get on them soon. i am also
debating a few other ideas i have for projects i think i'd enjoy.
regardless, i am looking forward to the coming months as things start
to fall into place.
- glenn rubenstein
alone again, naturally
given the diversity that i have always strived to achieve with headboard,
people are going to be coming together from different viewpoints, with
different goals and dreams.
sometimes, different things take priority in a person's life,
or they desire a different outlet.
and yes, sometimes,
as we've learned before, that doesn't include being in headboard.
i wish everyone the best as they embark on their new endeavors, and
i am grateful to have had the chance to work with them, both in playing
live and recording.
i am going to escape for a few days, get my head together, figure out
my plan, and contemplate options for the next chapter of this saga.
unfortunately, the acoustic tracks and a demo of "so far away"
are all that was recorded with this line-up.
look for a retrospective cd soon (featuring tracks from all 7 incarnations
the band has seen, thus far), along with progress reports on the future.
- glenn rubenstein